Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Blame Game

Now that we have finished Romeo and Juliet, it’s time to decide who (or what) is the most responsible for their untimely deaths.  You will discuss the characters’ roles with your group, and each group will post a response assigning the various characters a percentage of blame with a detailed explanation of why your group blames him/her/it.  The percentages for all elements must add up to 100.  This is due Thursday, ##/## by 11:59pm.*

Characters (in order of appearance):

Prince Escalus
Lord and Lady Montague
Lord and Lady Capulet
Friar Lawrence
County Paris

You may also include anyone or anything else that may have been to blame for the youths’ suicide, such as the various servants, the plague, fate, etc.

After all groups have posted, each individual must read all the groups’ responses and reasoning, then write a response to at least one group supporting (with evidence from the play) or challenging (with evidence from the play) their post.  Your thoughtful response is due no later than Monday, ##/## by 11:59 pm.*  Reminder: All posts must be polite, academic, and specific to the play.  You may use your list of sentence starters .  You will be graded according to the rubric below:

Group Post
  • Assigns percentages to all characters with detailed reasons and evidence from the play and other resources.   
  • All evidence is cited.
  • Assigns percentages to the culprits involved.  
  •  Some reasoning, or may overlook relevant details from the play. 
  • May or may not use other resources.
  •  All evidence is cited.
  • Blames only one or two sources.   
  • Limited reasons.   
  • Limited use of evidence.  
  •  Fails to cite the play.
Individual posts
  • Challenges or supports one or more groups’ posts using evidence from the play.  
  • Uses polite and academic language in a thoughtful response about culpability.  
  • Cites additional evidence to support the response.
  • Challenges or supports at least one other group’s post.  
  • Uses polite and academic language.  
  •  May only repeat evidence used by the group, but cites any reference to the play.
  • Attacks the group.   
  • Uses inappropriate or demeaning language.  
  •  Fails to offer a response.  
  •  Uses inaccurate evidence or fails to cite additional relevant data.
*Responses posted after the deadline will lose one letter grade.

You will receive a related prompt for your individual essays after the deadline to post responses.  This is a good opportunity to use your classmates' knowledge in order to make your essay the best it can be!

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