Sunday, July 4, 2010

Practicing, still not perfect

This is my very first blog - an assignment from an elearning course. I can see that I need a little more practice with this stuff. Fortunately, I had a gmail account already, and love Google just a little more. Here goes:

ELearning Curve Blog, I'll admit, seemed to be written for this assignment. I loved hte title, and the homepage has a graphic organizer for the learning theories and pedagogies we've learned this week. I was especially interested in the analysis of formal vs non-formal learning, and was impressed that Michael Hanley was looking at solutions to the problems presented instead of just harping on the inadequacies - as so many of the site I reviewed seemed to be doing.

After browsing for a LOT longer than I would have thought, I found a blog that was linked with EDSITE, a site I am familiar with when one of my colleagues let me use her computer and the page was still up. It has tons of info on the humanities (on practically ever subject I've ever cared to search) so a blog about it seemed a natural fit for me. 21st Century Educational Technology and Learning is also interested in social networking for teachers around the world to open up our collaborative powers. This site also had a link to ISTE, or International Society for Technology in Education so I also subscribed to their daily news feed for their reports on technology in the classroom. Along with the Daily Bell from NEA, I have plenty of reading to do!

I think the biggest challenge in the elearning atmosphere is going to be staying abreast of the changes in technology. These sites, I noticed, provide readers and subscribers with both philosophical opinions as well as updates on what is changing and developing. CTAP, or California Technology Assistance Project, has been a standby for me on some of the most user-friendly instruction in using technology in the classroom as well. It's not exactly one I had to research for this assignment, but I've always enjoyed their seminars and conferences.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was interested in the ISTE website. I thought it would be a good site to get information on this new topic for me. I was completely overwhelmed, which was discouraging. After over thirty minutes of navigating and attempting to find my way to information, I took a pause.

    Could you give me advice or direction to information on the site? It looks like a valuable information, however it has not been easy for me. More than likely it is right in front of me, however I would appreciate any help.

    What attracted you to this site the most? Since signing up, have you found the emails helpful. I subscribe to various emails on early childhood education, but as time has progressed the daily connections has become a bit overwhelming. Do you prefer a daily, weekly, or monthly connection?

    Thank you for sharing your information on Instructional Design. I am looking forward to getting assistance from you along my journey to learn.
